令和3年度一般選抜 英語C
The boy ( ) is my brother.
アwho the contest won twice
イwon who the contest twice
ウwho won the contest twice
エwon the contest twice who
(2)The students were ( ) the school gate.
アexcited to find a sleeping cat beside
イsleeping to excited find a cat beside
ウexcited beside to a sleeping cat find
エsleeping excited to beside a cat find
be excited to の不定詞の用法と、sleeping catという現在分詞の用法を問う問題。were sleepingと過去進行形の用法に引っ掛からないように注意。
(3)I want to know ( ) every day.
アthat singer practices how many hours
イhow many hours practices that singer
ウthat singer how many hours practices
エhow many hours that singer practices
私は知りたい…なにを? この目的語の部分に何がくるのかが問われている。疑問詞+主語+動詞という間接疑問文の語順が分かっていれば解ける。
(4)The present ( ) to get for a long time.
アshe gave me I was wanted the one
イwas the one I wanted she gave me
ウshe gave me was the one I wanted
エwas she gave me the one I wanted
そのプレゼントは~長い間得たい~だ。関係代名詞の目的格と、want to の不定詞の名詞的用法の問題。応用的な問題だが、いろいろな問題を数多くこなせば、よく似た問題に出会うはず。
(5)The book gave ( ) prepare for the trip abroad.
アenough information to learn to me what
イme enough to learn information to what
ウenough to me what information to learn
エme enough information to learn what to
(6)I will ( ) me until the exam is over.
アkeep to watch the DVDs from I want away
イwatch theDVDs I keep away from want to
ウkeep the DVDs I want to watch away from
エwatch the DVDs to keep I want from away
試験が終わるまでずっと、という箇所から、DVDを私から遠ざけるという内容だと推測できる。そして( )のあとにmeがあることから、直前の単語は前置詞fromをいれて私からとすればいいので答えはウ。